Sunday 12 October 2014


Are we a criminal??.......haha.... of course sound so ridiculous right .how can a student with their smiley face, very polite and kind look, bright and cheerful  personality become a criminal??. it not make sense isn't it?.

   so let talk about PLAGIARISM...
plagiarism is define as the stealing of other peoples word,thoughts,or idea as one’s own, and it is a CRIME act. we had become a hidden criminal. plagiarism is most famous among the students but not except other professional person.the reason why we tend to plagiarism are because we do lack of knowledge and idea.beside we maybe not have ability to understand  certain topic properly. some of them would not have a enough time to complete their own work.

 but the true reason to plagiarism is that people like to make an easy way to settle their work. as we know that people always find a short or easy way to successes.furthermore, some of them are too lazy to learn. I dare to admit it  because I can see it in my self.for me it is attitude problem.

 so what should we do?..
yes, we should paraphrase and summarise it. it is the right way. paraphrase mean to take another person idea and put it into your own word. it can be used as a supportive word to your idea. but we still need to cite the source at the end of the sentence. we can avoid do plagiarism by change our attitude about using citation. by using a citation it show how well we understand about that topic.beside we must practice how to taking note. it allow us to improve our critical thinking skills.

in the future, I hope that I can avoid doing plagiarism and have a skill in paraphrasing and note taking.I do love to improve  myself and have a success in life.

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